The Dixie Fire

As you’ve doubtless seen on the news, the historic Gold Rush-era town of Greenville, Calif., was destroyed in the Dixie fire. I have had the nagging feeling for a while that I had some connection up there, but I couldn’t remember what it was.

It was the Just One Book project, started by Margaret Elysia Garcia to put books on the shelves of the Greenville High School/Indian Valley Academy shared library (it was pretty much bereft of books). If you click through, you will see a photo of a table filled with donations; the two FedEx packages were from me.

Margaret Garcia no longer lives in the area, but she lost her Greenville office. Her blog post from yesterday is how I finally put the pieces together.

As of three days ago, the high school was one of the few structures still standing. I haven’t been able to find any more recent reports.

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